1900 – 1949
Milestones in the Development and Clinical Applications of Artificial Organ Technologies & Transplantation
Hedon discussed plasmapheresis where he auto transfused body-own erythrocytes into rabbits
Ullmann performed first successful kidney transplant, a dog autotransplant and a dog-to-goat xenograft
Ehrlich studied transplantation of tumors in mice without determining the response to transplants of normal tissue
Jensen perceived that that the failure of tumor homografts was an immune reaction
Guthrie advocated cooling to protect donor organs before transplantation
Jaboulay performed the first two renal transplants in humans using a pig donor for one and a goat donor for the other
Fleig reported first therapeutic approach of apheresis with autotransfusions with washed blood cells in toxemia and hetero transfusions in anemia
Schӧne, considered the first transplantation immunologist, determined that homografts always failed and that subsequent grafts from the same donor failed more rapidly than the first
Carrel is awarded Nobel Prize for originating both vascular suturing and its use in organ transplantation
Abel, Rowntree, and Turner described the principle of hemodialysis, used cellulose tubes, hirudin for anticoagulation in dogs
Abel, Rowntree, and Turner studied the effect of plasma removal in dogs and created the term “plasmapheresis”
Murphy showed that resistance to tumor homografts was dependent on the lymphoid system
Richards and Drinker reported on the use of a screen oxygenator for perfusion of isolated organs
McLean and Howell discovered the anti-coagulant heparin
Carrel introduced tissue culture
Haas performed the first clinical hemodialysis on 5 patients using a modification of the Hopkins artificial kidney
Lim and Necheles used heparin as an anticoagulant
Gilbert, Tzanck, and Negroni described plasmapheresis applied in humans
Necheles developed the first “sandwich” artificial kidney using a biological membrane consisting of calves’ peritoneal membrane and dialyzes dogs
Dale and Schuster described a double perfusion pump for pulmonary and systemic circulation; Gibbon subsequently uses this pump for early laboratory development of a heart-lung apparatus
Brukhonenko and Tchetchuline maintained temporary function of guillotined dogs’ heads using donor lungs for gas exchange and a bellows-type pump for blood circulation
Loeb determined that the strength and timing of rejection of skin in rats was governed by the extent of genetic disparity of donor and recipient homograft and eventually that the lymphocyte was involved
Lindbergh’s pump used for preservation of organs for as long as 3 weeks
Voronoy performed the first human-to-human kidney transplant
DeBakey described a dual-roller pump and a bellows-type pump for transfusion of blood; these devices subsequently became the most widely used blood pumps for clinical cardiopulmonary bypass and hemodialysis
Thalhimer introduced cellulose tubing for hemodialysis
Demikhov used an extracorporeal assist device for 5.5 hours to substitute for the cardiac function of a dog
Gibbon reported successful total cardiopulmonary bypass in experimental animals using a vertical rotating cylinder oxygenator
Thalheimer performed the first hemodialysis of a dog using cellophane membrane and heparin anticoagulation
Gross performed the first successful ligation of a patent ductus arteriosis
Murray used for the first time heparin in human patients
Kolff develops rotating drum artificial kidney and applies it clinically in acute renal failure patients
Kolff and Berk observed blood oxygenation through cellophane membranes in their artificial kidney
Tui, Bartter, Wright, and Holt were first to carry out plasma separation using centrifuges
1945 - 1946
Alwall develops the first stationary drum artificial kidney and the first artificial ultrafiltration kidney capable of negative pressure and hydrostatic ultrafiltration
Murray develops a stationary drum artificial kidney
Kolff’s first surviving patient with his artificial kidney was Mrs. Schaffstadt
Fine and Associates reported successful peritoneal irrigation in a patient with severe anuria who survived after 4 days of continuous peritoneal lavage
Bjӧrk extended the limit of circulatory arrest in experimental animals by perfusion of the brain with blood oxygenated in a rotating disk oxygenator
Thomas introduced silicone as a defoaming agent for blood
Weiner envisioned neural prosthesis
Sarnoff and colleagues demonstrated maintaining adequate ventilation with percutaneous and transcutaneous electrodes
Olson at the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital in collaboration with Kolff built multiple re-designed rotating drum artificial kidneys, the Kolff-Brigham Dialysis Machine, and shipped around the world
Bakken founded Medtronic as a medical equipment repair shop
Jongbloed oxygenated blood in rotating plastic spirals
Medawar and Billingham showed that skin grafting between chimeric bovine fraternal twins was the key to understanding tolerance
Skeggs and Leonard developed the first practical flat-plate dialyzer and used it clinically
Sewall and Glenn built a precursor to the modern artificial heart pump and successfully bypassed the heart of a dog for over one hour