Important Milestones
Milestones in the Development and Clinical Applications of Artificial Organ Technologies & Transplantation
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Milestones 1900 – 1949
Milestones 1950 – 1959
Milestones 1960 – 1969
Milestones 1970 – 1979
Milestones 1980 – 1999
Milestones 2000 – present
Milestones Through 1900
Milestones in the Development and Clinical Applications of Artificial Organ Technologies & Transplantation
1000 BC
Priests in ancient Egypt applied bloodletting to treat many diseases
600 BC
The use of autogenous skin flaps to replace missing noses was conceived in third century, sainted physicians Cosmos and Damien envisioned complex transplants such as an entire leg as depicted in paintings
500 BC
Bloodletting spread to Greece and the ancient world
Medieval Times
Bloodletting was predominantly used by the barber surgeon
Tagliacozzi and other pioneering plastic surgeons were successful at autogenous skin flap replacement surgeries
Early 1700s
Bloodletting reached its height of popularity
Hunter transplanted human teeth and autotransplanted cock’s spurs into their combs
Jallabert “electrized” stroke patients and improved hand functions
LeGallois conceptualized artificial blood oxygenation
Brown-Sequard obtained “red” blood by whipping “black” blood; the bubble oxygenator was devised based on this bubbling oxygenation theory
Graham discovered the principal of dialysis
Reverdin discovered that small, thin grafts would heal; soon thereafter extensive experiences with both autografts and homografts was accumulated
Pollock described a set of successful autografts while on the same patient’s wound homografts from donors disappeared
Fry and Gruber oxygenator operated on the principal of rotation on a Cylinder
First hip prosthesis made of ivory
Jacobj described a complex organ perfusion apparatus that relied on donor lungs for gas exchange
Dӧrfler and Jaboulay introduced the full-thickness blood vessel suturing technique
Metchnikoff proposed the use of antiserum to mitigate cellular immunity